First Hawaiian Bank Announces Four Division Manager Promotions

HONOLULU, February 25, 2020 – Today, First Hawaiian Bank announced the advancement of four individuals to division manager positions. Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer Bob Harrison is pleased to congratulate the following bank officers on their hard work and well-deserved promotions to division manager:

  • Darlene Blakeney, senior vice president and Corporate Banking Division manager and president of First Hawaiian Leasing, Inc. Blakeney leads a team of bankers serving corporate clients headquartered in Hawaii and the U.S. mainland. She also heads First Hawaiian Leasing, the bank’s leasing subsidiary, which provides equipment leases to commercial clients. Blakeney joined the Bank in 2015 and has 25 years of banking and finance experience.  She is a graduate of the Pacific Coast Banking School in Seattle and the FHB Advanced Leader Program.
  • Tricia Fujikawa Lee, senior vice president and Corporate Compliance Division manager. Fujikawa Lee manages and administers First Hawaiian Bank’s Compliance Management Program to ensure the bank adheres to applicable laws and regulations. She also manages the bank’s Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Program, designed to meet the credit needs of low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. Fujikawa Lee joined the bank in 2008 as vice president and Corporate Compliance officer. She is a graduate of the Pacific Coast Banking School in Seattle.
  • Todd Nitta, senior vice president and Dealer Division manager. Nitta oversees the Hawaii wholesale and retail dealer portfolios and the underwriting function for the First Hawaiian Bank’s Western Region Dealer Center. He formerly served as senior vice president and corporate banking officer in the bank’s Corporate Banking Division. Nitta has over 26 years of banking experience and joined the bank in 1993 as a management trainee.  He worked in the Pearl City and Makiki branches, Branch Commercial Real Estate, Dealer Center and has served as a Credit Administration Division regional credit supervisor. Nitta is a graduate of the Pacific Coast Banking School.
  • Ross Fujii, vice president and Bank Secrecy Act Division manager, and BSA/OFAC officer. Fujii is responsible for developing, implementing and administering all aspects of the Bank Secrecy Act Program, which detects and prevents money laundering, terrorist financing and other unlawful activity, and the Office of Foreign Assets Control Program, which ensures compliance with economic and trade sanctions in support of U.S. national security and foreign policy objectives. He joined First Hawaiian Bank in 2006 and is a graduate of the Pacific Coast Banking School.

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